Dictionary Compilation

This month, after reading an article in FranceInfo, I focus on new words in the French language, and why (and how) they are selected for new dictionary publications. Below is the original title :

Nouveaux mots, francisation, usage… comment les dictionnaires font le tri dans leurs nouvelles éditions (new words, Gallicisation, usage … how dictionaries sift through and select for new publications).

I have translated the article from the French to render it accessible to non-Francophone speakers

Each year, dictionaries publish their new editions with their smattering of new words. Linguists anddictionary compilers have the ‘onerous’ task of what to select, or passer au crible new lexical entries.

Le Petit Larousse illustré revealed its 2025 edition Monday, 29th April, with 150 new words; this will be published 22nd May 2024. Le Petit Robert will appear 16th May. Cyberterrorisme, masculinisme, platisme : new words in Le Petit Larousse illustré 2025.

Bernard Cerquilini (linguist) answered FranceInfo’s questions.

FI : Each year, thousands of words appear in the French language, but only 150 made the list for Le Petit Larousse. How is the selection made?

BC: We check that the word is established orally, in written form, by young people, as well as the older generation. We also select the word if we deem it has future worth and represents a trend, an innovation, or a concern. We make sure the word has truly gone into circulation and that it has real meaning.

FI: There are some words that are not necessarily commonplace, such as empouvoirement, translation of empowerment; why introduce these?

BC: We look at the frequency and statistical evidence. We also suggest alternatives or recommendations for those people who prefer a Gallicised version. As for Anglicisms, frequency has been the same for the last 20 years, some 8% of new words. Whenever we print an Anglicism, we never fail to suggest a French equivalent; for skatepark, we propose the official word – planchodrome. We have no suggestion thus far for fast-fashion! (la mode rapide, à la restauration rapide ? – RK).

FI: In 2021, there was some discussion around the suffix -iel (contraction of il and elle); Jean-Michel Blanquer (Education Minister) criticised its inclusion in Le Robert dictionary. Do you take into account possible political reactions?

BC: No. Because this suffix is not common and not evidenced, we did not include it. Each dictionary compiler makes a choice and pays attention to the concerns of the population. We always believe in finding a suitable French word; Zéro déchet is a great French formulation … mégabassine also.

FI : New words enter the dictionary … are others discarded due to being outdated or do you notice they are out of use?

BC: We undertake a total dictionary ‘repair’ every 20 years. We then consider words that are less in use, but there is always an element of disappointment when a word is discarded. We retained Minitel, but discarded minitéliste and minitélé. Language is somewhat a memory, so we attempt to add 150 words every year and not to lose any.

Fun bite – professional ‘speak’

D’après Les nouveaux codes linguistiques de la vie professionnelle de Hervé Cuillandre (Chargé de mission digital ENGIE, Chargé de mission Egalité femmes/hommes et Conseiller au Conseil économique, social et environnemental – Ile-de-France)

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Réfléchir - Brainstormer
Diriger - Prendre le lead
Je bosse uniquement là-bas - Je suis fulltime sur le projet
Je dois passer un appel - J’ai un call
Retour - Feedback
Voir ensemble - Débriefer
Fayot - Corporate
Je fais ce qu’on me dit - J’applique les process
C’est le bordel - Il n’y a pas de journée typique
J’ai des tâches qui n’ont rien à voir avec mon poste - Les tâches sont variées, on ne s’ennuie jamais
Je suis concentré(e) - Je suis focus
J’ai beaucoup de travail - Je suis overbooké(e)
Choses qui ne vont pas - Axes d’amélioration
Décevant - En dessous des attentes
J’ai volé les idées d’un concurrent - J’ai fait un benchmark

In next month's blog, I will be outlining my role as Chef d'équipe in the Press/Media Centre at the Paris Olympics


Pre-Paris Olympics thoughts


French Republic