The Blog section will feature monthly topics, sometimes serious, sometimes more tongue-in-cheek, or simply light-hearted.
I will cover themes ranging from educational and pedagogical foci, top tips for pupils or students, cultural slants, to news commentaries on topical issues.
Whilst the majority of the writing will be in English, there will be bilingual elements, as well as some écrits français.
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Sample GCSE Lesson
Following on from last month’s sample A Level/undergraduate lesson, I now suggest a GCSE-style private tutorial. I typically attempt to cover a range of skills, include some vocabulary and a language point, as well as consider both the individual pupil and the examination format/requirements.

Sample Lesson 1
This month, I offer a combination of two/three sample advanced lessons of mine … feel free to use this material or adapt it.
These lessons were for an individual, but could be adapted for a class/group. It features some speaking content/tasks, some grammar, and some translation techniques.
Gallic Lexical Lacunae
The start of 2025 brings a short piece, not written in English, which considers some words that the French language ‘lacks’ (I shall review some untranslatable French expressions into English in a future blog). The Fun bite continues the theme, albeit as a plaisanterie.
The ‘Power’ of Language
This month, I am focussing on the ‘power’ of language. Language is, in its simplest definition, how we may communicate, how we perceive, and how we connect. This season is one of giving and receiving, thus a propitious moment to consider language (maybe that of the angels, the shepherds, or the wise men).

Language Idiosyncrasies and Lipograms
This month, my ‘blog’ and fun bite are combined. I focus on antanaclastic sentences and lipograms.

The Inspiring Teacher
This month’s blog is a piece about what can make a teacher inspirational; it is prompted by a letter sent to The Times some years ago (see Fun bite at the end of my writing) by a Mr Giles from Devon, then my letter response to the editor of The Times a few days later.

Translation Techniques
In my blog ‘offering’ this month, I commence with a well-known French poem by Paul Verlaine
[1844-1896] … I then go on to look at translation techniques for students and teachers alike.

Post-Paris Olympics … a few thoughts
This month’s piece is far shorter than previous blogs and features a few athletes (mostly from Team GB). What is, as the French state, the fils conducteurs [no, not ‘conducting sons’!]? What lessons can we draw from these traits and how might we apply them to our own life?

From the Paris Olympics Athletes Village
This is a short ‘in situ’ piece from the Olympic Village in Paris. It presents a miscellany of highlights, including the ambiance, linguistic aspects, observations, and my work in the VMC (Village Media Centre).

Pre-Paris Olympics thoughts
This blog highlights some personal reflections before I head to Paris this summer, as well as some focus on the core Olympic values.

Dictionary Compilation
Le grand Robert has translated this month’s blog from a FranceInfo article that looks into the work of dictionary compilation and new words in the French language.

French Republic
This month’s topics are for 6th Form students and teachers on The Values of the French Republic and The Secular State in France; there is an introduction to each topic, some video and reading links, as well as some sample questions. Check out the two fun bite entries below too

Target Language
The target language debate in the MFL classroom is longstanding … I offer ‘une optique’. Check out the fun bite that introduces ‘une approche lexicale farfelue’

French words in English
This month's topic looks at the influence of French on the English language - when, why, what

English Words In French
This month’s blog focusses on borrowings from ‘English’ into the French language. Are these ‘justified’, indeed needed? What are the alternatives? A vous de juger!

Foreign Language Learning
This second blog focuses on my experience as a foreign language teacher, in both university and secondary school settings. It highlights the perceived 'myth' of how difficult it is to learn a foreign language, the importance of acquiring knowledge of a foreign language, some amusing examples from the classroom, and the many advantages of some proficiency in a foreign language.

Translator / Interpreter
This, the first of a monthly blog, focuses on my experience as a translator/interpreter, a rewarding set of experiences in a number of settings. It highlights the varied work as an intermediary, the importance of a creative mind, some challenges, and the need to convey a ‘faithful’ message to connect with ones audience, interlocutor, listener, or reader.